
Questions we asked in our interviews

1 What was it like for you growing up when the Beatles were popular?

2 Why do you like the album, Rubber Soul?

3 What do consider the best song in this album to be? Which is most meaningful to you, which is your favourite?

4 How did the songs in this album influence you when they were first released, and do they still hold some meaning to you now?

5 What makes the Beatles and their album Rubber Soul stand out to you?

6 Do you think the Beatles Changed the 60’s and/or the music industry?

7 Who was your favourite band member?

8. George Martic described this album as “the first album to present a new, growing Beatles to the world. For the first time we began to think of albums as art of their own, as complete entities.” Do you agree with him? Do you see this in any of the songs from this album?

9 Is there a song that surprised or confused you in this album?

10 What changes do you notice between Rubber soul and previous albums, such as “Help” regarding style, function, message?

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