
An Interview beween The Beatles and Playboy

Playboy: "There's been some dispute among your fans and critics, about whether you're primarily entertainers or musicians... or perhaps neither. What's your own opinion?"

John: "We're money-makers first; then we're entertainers."

Ringo: "No, we're not."

John: "What are we, then?"

Ringo: "Dunno. Entertainers first."

John: "OK."

Ringo: "'Cuz we were entertainers before we were money-makers."

John: "That's right, of course. It's just that the press drivels it into you, so you say it 'cuz they like to hear it, you know."

Paul: "Still, we'd be idiots to say that it isn't a constant inspiration to be making alot of money. It always is, to anyone. I mean, why do big business tycoons stay big business tycoons? It's not because they're inspired at the greatness of big business; they're in it because they're making alot of money at it. We'd be idiots if we pretended we were in it solely for kicks. In the beginning we were, but at the same time we were hoping to make a bit of cash. it's a switch around now, though, from what it used to be. We used to be doing it mainly for kicks and not making alot of money, and now we're making alot of money without too many kicks... except that we happen to like the money we're making. But we still enjoy making records, going on-stage, making films, and all that business."

John: "We love every minute of it, Beatle people!"

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